8907 Maurice Ave, Maurice, LA 70555

Locally owned and operated and serving Acadiana for over 17 years

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CPAP and Respiratory Care 

Patients’ Care Medical Supply is dedicated to providing a wide range of respiratory care devices that cater to various airway management needs. Our mission is to prioritize the well-being of our patients by offering specialized care through state-of-the-art respiratory care devices. Whether you are dealing with sleep apnea, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, congestive heart failure, severe respiratory distress, or chronic bronchitis, our product list covers the needs of both adults and children. We take pride in offering a comprehensive selection of respiratory care devices including Oxygen Concentrators, Aspirators (Suction), Nebulizers, CPAP and BiPAP systems, Allergy prevention and relief devices, and Tracheostomy supplies. Our products are suitable for use in hospitals, specialized care facilities, or in home-based care settings. Rest assured that our products meet the highest standards of user safety while being incredibly easy to use. Whatever your respiratory care needs may be, Patients’ Care Medical Supply has got you covered. Contact us today to learn more or make an appointment!
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8907 Maurice Ave
Maurice, LA 70555


